a 501(c)(3) religious organization


The Lotus Organization relies on your contributions to be able to continue doing this esoteric spiritual work including Lovestream energetic awakening, retreats, classes via teleconference, individual sessions, writing projects and more. Donations are tax-deductible. Please give what you can.

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If you would prefer to send a check, please make it payable to "The Lotus Organization" and mail it to:

The Lotus Organization

c/o Sifu Triane

PO Box 1554

Hayfork, CA 96041


Thank you very much for your support!

Now, Subhuti! Think! Can you fathom how far the span of space reaches to the eastward direction?  "No, World-Honored One, that is not conceivable."  “How about the space that goes southward, westward, northward, or in an upward or downward direction? Can you imagine those vast spans of space?”  “No, World-Honored One, I can’t imagine those either.”  “Subhuti! The amount of goodness produced by a bodhisattva unattached to charitable activities would likewise be so vast as to be inconceivable. Those who want to become bodhisattvas need to act and follow these instructions.” 

—The Buddha, from The Diamond Sutra: Transcending Merit,  tr. Sol Ta Triane, Copyright © 2018

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